Thursday, July 14, 2005

Day 44

July 14, 2005

Greetings from Colorado Springs, Colorado! That’s right, Colorado Springs. As of today, I have officially abandoned the TransAmerica Trail.

As I mentioned yesterday, I have been thinking of a little detour to soak up the little extra time I’ll have before arriving at the Atlantic. I figure, if I stayed on the route and followed it to completion at my current pace, I’d be 5-10 days early. When the Kiwis headed off route to Boulder I was real tempted to go with them, work my way to Colorado Springs, and continue feeling my way across. Then, when riding out of Hartsel, I could have stayed on one road and road into Colorado Springs. So today, when posed with the option to head to the Springs again, I seriously considered it.

I got up and moving a little later than I wanted to – what else is new… When I got on the road I, once again, realized I seriously need to start getting on the bike a lot earlier. The heat today was unreal. It was hot, real hot. It was hot and there was a headwind for the ten miles I rode out of Canon City.

I got off an exit to find some AC and a Gatorade at a little gas station. As I made a left off the exit I saw a sign that read: “Colorado Spgs 35.” Once again, the town beckoned. I don’t know what it is with this town but I’ve been curious about it for a while. I guess it just sounds like a nice, healthy place to live: “Colorado Springs” – maybe it’s me… And like I said, I’ve been thinking about going off route to check it out for a while.

So, when I saw that sign the wheels got turning once again. I pulled into the gas station and got the refreshing Gatorade I had been craving, snagged a sleeve of sunflower seeds, and called my aunt to get the info for the Pueblo newspaper if I kept going as planned. I told her I was considering the detour and headed for the atlas to see what was possible after the Springs.

I was pleased with what I found. From Colorado Springs I can head a little northeast and be on the same latitude as Topeka, Kansas City, St. Louis, Louisville, and Lexington; great media markets to try to tap into with the cause, not to mention a whole lot more exciting than the somewhat boring route along southern Kansas. So, after a few minutes of looking over the atlas, I made up my mind to go out into the unknown and head north to Colorado Springs.

The only difference in turning off the trail is I don’t have the great list of services for each of the towns. Now I will be going off normal road maps and relying on the goodness of the locals to fill me in on the towns ahead and the services within. I think it’s pretty exciting.

I am truly beginning a new chapter in this celebration of the halfway mark. Gone are the days of being spoon-fed by the kind folks of Adventure Cycling. Now I’ll really be rolling with the punches and figuring things out as they come. It’ll be interesting…

So that’s the news. From here I’m not sure where I’m headed, isn’t that great!?! I know I’ll be headed a tad northeast but that’s about it. My next big destination is Topeka, Kansas.

If you would, say prayer for continued safety, wisdom in decision-making, and continued strength of mind and body. Life is good out here and I am thankful for the many blessings I have been fortunate to receive.

Currently, I am sitting in a Panera – home sweet home – waiting for a storm to blow over so I can head down to a hostel and crash for the night. The ride today was pretty exhausting with the heat, the hills, and the headwinds. I’m looking forward to closing my eyes for a few hours…

Today: 46.71 Total: 1,977.81


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